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Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?


In this fourth episode in our Ten Commandments Series titled, "Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?", we explore the relevance of the Sabbath for Christians under the New Covenant. Contrary to popular belief, Christians should observe the...

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What Does Taking Godā€™s Name In Vain Really Mean?


The discussion on the Third Commandment, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain," delves into various ways individuals may inadvertently dishonor or misuse God's name. Contrary to popular belief, simply...

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5 Reasons Why We Must Avoid Idolatry


The central theme of the discussion is the prohibition against idolatry as outlined in the Bible, particularly focusing on the Second Commandment. The speaker asserts that there is only one true God, identified as YHWH, and emphasizes the...

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Who or What Is Your God?


The article explores the profound question: Who or what is your god? It defines a "god" as anything or anyone that one loves, serves, and worships above all else. Some people idolize themselves, while others believe in...

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5 Common Objections Against Keeping the Ten Commandments


The debate over whether Christians are still obligated to adhere to the Ten Commandments persists, with some arguing that these laws are outdated and irrelevant in the modern era. In a previous discussion, we explored evidence suggesting...

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10 Proofs the Ten Commandments Were in Force Before Moses


The notion that the Ten Commandments are outdated and obsolete, relevant only to ancient Israel under the leadership of Moses, is a common misconception among some preachers and Christians today. However, a deeper examination of...

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Did Jesus Really Die on Good Friday?


The article addresses the debate surrounding the exact day of Jesus Christ's (Yahshua the Messiah's) death and resurrection, challenging the traditional belief that He died on Good Friday and rose on Easter Sunday. It argues that this...

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How Accurate is the "Christ Alone" Teaching?


The episode under scrutiny challenges the commonly held belief in the "Christ alone" doctrine, which asserts that Christ's actions alone secure salvation without any additional effort on the part of believers. The...

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Love and Obedience Are Inseparable


The episode scrutinizes the prevalent teaching that love alone is sufficient for salvation, dismissing the need for obedience to God's commandments. The speaker vehemently opposes this notion, presenting five biblical arguments to debunk...

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Grace Doesnā€™t Give You License to Sin


The episode delves into a troubling trend within Christian communities, where a distorted interpretation of God's grace is circulating. This teaching suggests that grace provides a blanket pardon for all sins, past, present, and future,...

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